Educational Qualification:
- B.Tech (CSE) – CUSAT (2004)
- M.Tech (Computer Vision and IP) – Amrita University (2008)
- PhD (CSE)– SASTRA University (2014)
- MBA – Bharathiar University ( 2017)
- MA (English) – IGNOU (2019)
- MA (Political Science) – IGNOU ( 2023)
- PDGDM (DM) – IGNOU ( 2020)
- LLB (Pursuing) – CUSAT
Professional Experience:
- Teaching Experience: 13 Years (HOD(AI)- ASIET, Dean-R&D VJCET etc.)
- Industry Experience: 2.5 years (Lead- L&D at IBS Software, TCS-Software Engineer)
Research Interest:
- GATE CSE Qualified -2006
- PhD CSE Research Guide of KTU
- DC Member and Advisory Board member of Autonomous Institutes and KTU
- Digital Image Processing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Programming Principles and Paradigms
Professional Body Member:
- ISNT, MIE,SAEST, ISTE, Chartered Engineer.
- “ Object Detection in Haze For UAV Images using DCP and YOLO” , IET conference Proceedings, Vol.2024, Issue 23, ICCVIOT, Coimbatore, 10-11 December 2024.
- “ Tata Motors Stock price prediction using Predictive AI technique” in IEEE Xplore, Proceedings of IEEE conference ICACCS 2024 (Advanced computing and Communication System), 14th March, Coimbatore, 2024
- “Retinal Fundus Image Synthesis using Image Segmentation and DCGAN”, Proceedings of ICCSP 2024, pp 1089-1094 IEEE Xplore, April 2024 (SCOPUS)
- ” An Efficient Lymphocytic Leukemia Detection based on Efficient Nets and Ensemble Voting Classier”, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology (IMA), Wiley, July 2022. (SCIE)
- “Systematic Review on Internet of Things in Smart Livestock Management Systems” Sustainability, 2024, 16(10), 4073. (SCIE)
- “Leukocyte classification based on feature selection using extra trees classifier: A transfer learning approach” Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, vol. 29, 2021 (SCIE)
- “Leukocyte classification based on statistical measures of radon transform for monitoring health condition”, Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express (BPEX), vol. 7, no. 6, 2021 (ESCI)
- “A precision-based diagnostic model ADOBE-accurate detection of breast cancer using logistic regression approach”, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2020, pp.8419-8426 (SCIE)
- A Performance Comparison of Supervised and Unsupervised Image Segmentation Methods. Springer Nature Computer Science, 1, 122 (2020).(SCOPUS).
- “A Combinatorial Optimized Knapsack Linear Space for Information Retrieval”, Computers, Materials& Continua, 2021, vol.66, no.3, pp. 2891-2903 (SCIE)
- “Automated Leukocyte Classification based on Transfer Learning for heterogeneous dataset” AIP Conf. Proc.2670, 020004 (2022) ( SCOPUS)
- “A hybrid approach for video steganography by stretching the secret data”, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2020, Vol. 39, 2367-3370. (SCOPUS)
- “Scrambling Based Riffle Shift on Stego-Image to Channelize the Ensured Data”, IA & Soft Computing, 32(1), 221–235,2022 (SCIE)
- “Leukocyte classification based on transfer learning of VGG16 features by K-nearest neighbor classifier”, IEEE conference -ICSPC, Coimbatore, IEEE Xplore 2021 (SCOPUS)
- “A novel image processing approach for finding the bubble count in neutron dosimeter”, Disaster Advances; 2017, vol.10, pp.21-25 (SCOPUS)
- “A combined approach of steganography with LSB encoding technique and DES algorithm,” 2017 Third International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication and Bio-Informatics (AEEICB), Chennai, Feb 2017, IEEE Xplore, (SCOPUS)
- “A hybrid technique for quadrant based data hiding using Huffman coding” IEEE International Conference on Innovations in IEC Systems, 2015, IEEE Xplore, (SCOPUS).
- “An approach of cryptography and steganography using rotor cipher for secure transmission,” 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC), Madurai, Dec 2015, pp. 1-4, IEEE Xplore, (SCOPUS)
- ” An amalgamated approach of cryptography and steganography using IWT and random pixel selection for secure transmission”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2015, vol.10, pp. 2352-2357. (SCOPUS)
- “Detection of lack of penetration weld defect from radiographic weld images for avoiding disaster using advanced median filter and modified though transform”, Disaster Advances, 2013, vol.6, pp.23-29. (SCOPUS)
- “Disaster Avoidance in Industries through Weld Flaw detection from Radiographic Weld Images using Radon Transform and Improved Fuzzy C-Means Clustering” Disaster Advances, 47-53, 2013(SCOPUS)
Invited Talks/ Workshops/ Conferences as Resource Person:
- CFP board member for the BsidesKerala Technical Event at Jain University conducted on 8-9th Feb 2025
- Served as an expert committee member for syllabus verification of the GenAI and Prompt Engineering course for ASAP, Govt. of Kerala, on 14th August 2024.
- Curriculum committee member for developing the curriculum for the “Industrial Training in the IT Sector” course under the Additional Skill Acquisition Program, Govt. of Kerala, on 2nd September 2024.
- Judge for the Smart India Hackathon held at Chinmaya Vishwa Vidya Peetham on 10th September 2024.
- Keynote speaker and resource person for International Conference ICTACME on 22 Feb 2024 conducted by KMEA Engineering College
- Resource Person for a CSI workshop on Advanced Java at MGM institute on 1st March 2024.
- Resource person of Springer ICCCSIS international conference conducted by SCMS school of Engineering on 6th-july-2023
- Chief Guest and Resource Person of NCASDC 2023 conference at Mar Baselious Christian College, Kerala on May 24th- 2023.
- Resource Person for KTU funded FDP at Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology on 20-Jan-2023.
- Resource Person of KTU funded FDP conducted at VJCET, Muvattupuzha on 27-Feb-2023.
- Resource Person (online mode) at SASTRA university on the topic Java Spring Boot on the date : 18-Feb-2023
- Resource person on Java Streams and Spring Boot at SASTRA University, Tamil Nadu on November 22nd 2022.
- Judge for 2 days National level Hackathon 2022 conducted by SCMS, Karukkutti on 16th and 17th November 2022.
- Resource Person at MGM College of Engineering and Technology, Ernakulam on 8th- November-2022.
- Reviewer for INDICON International conference 2022.
- Reviewer for IGI -Scopus Indexed Book chapter for publication in Computer Vision and Image Processing in the Deep Learning Era June- 2022
- Session Chair of IEEE sponsored International Conference on Computing, Communication, Security and Intelligent Systems (IC3SIS-2022) hosted by SCMS on June 23-25, 2022.
- Resource person on NBA accreditation strategies at MGM College of Engineering and Technology, Pampakuda on 16th –June 2022.
- Resource Person of International Conference On Recent Trends InArtificial Intelligence” (ICRTAI’ 21) on 29th and 30th JUNE at Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering & Technology, Kalady.
- Session Chair, IET Sponsored National Conference on Information Communication & Intelligent Systems ’21(NCICIS-2021), on 11th and 12th June, 2021, at MGM Engg College.
- Session Chair of National Conference on Recent Trends in Computing- 2021(NCRTC-2021) at Viswajyothi College of Engineering and Technology, Vazhakulam.
- Resource person for the International Conference ICCIDT-2021 conducted at Mangalam College of Engineering on 15th and 16th May 2021.
- Session Chair for the International Conference ICCIDT-2020 conducted at Mangalam College of Engineering on June 15th and 16th 2020.
- Reviewer for the Springer International Conference ICACI-2019 conducted at GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women on July 18th and 19th 2019.
- Reviewer for the Springer International Conference NetACT19 to be conducted at Mar Baselios College of Engineering on July 23rd and 24th 2019.
- Resource person for a “Talk on NBA accreditation” at Govt Polytechnic, Kaduthuruthy on Jan2019.
- Editor of “Technology and Future” journal with ISBN: 2454-4051 of VJCET for the issue of July2017.
- Session chair of National Conference on Advanced Computing, Communication & Electrical Systems at K.M.E.A Engineering College, Edathala, Kerala on 25th march 2017.
- Session chair for IEEE International Conference on Data Mining and Advanced Computing at SNGC College of Engineering, Kerala on 16th to 18th march 2016.
- Resource Person for IEEE workshop on the field of ‘Soft Computing & Image Processing’ at VJCET on October 10th-2015 as part of IEEE WIE association.
- Program Technical Committee Member of IEEE sponsored ACC International Conference conducted at Rajagiri College of Engineering, Ernakulam on 4th and 5th September 2015
- Resource person on the topic ‘Fuzzy System and Image Processing’ at Indira Gandhi Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women, Kothamangalam, Kerala on5th-August-2015 organized by CSE department.