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A premier engineering college in the state, located at Kochi


Affiliated to APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
Approved by AICTE

[email protected] | 0484-2883300/0484-2732100/111

Relentless passion for excellence...

(Promoted by The Muthoot Group)

Department profile

Basic Sciences and Humanities are fundamental to all engineering and technology studies. The Department of Basic Science and Humanities was established in July 2013. Since then, it has been instrumental in building students’ knowledge base in the field of science and humanities. It helps them to develop a new outlook towards technology in tune with the social, economic and political advancements in the present-day society.

The Department of Basic Science and Humanities is headed by Dr. Tesymol Cyriac and it comprises qualified faculty members from the disciplines of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Humanities, English, Psychology and Physical Education. The research activities are promoted and supported by Dr. Vinod Kumar P B, Research Professor. The Department currently has twenty-three faculty members and one technical staff. This includes 7 Ph.D. holders including two KTU- Ph.D. guides and 16 Postgraduates with 4 of them pursuing their doctoral degrees.

Highlight Features:

  • Well-equipped Physics, Chemistry and Language Labs.
  • Prepare the students for Linguaskill – The Language assessment system by Cambridge.
  • Offer project based add on courses in Mathematics and Chemistry.
  • MATH Club to improve the problem solving and analytical skills and to provide opportunity to improve organizational skills.
  • Offer Minor in Mathematics for B.TECH students.
  • Offer assistance for student projects in the areas of biopolymers and biopolymer nanocomposites.
  • Invited talks, and other co- curricular activities for helping students to gain additional knowledge and skills.


To provide a concrete foundation in Basic Sciences and Humanities that enables the student to evolve as a technically adept and socially responsible professional.


Instill requisite knowledge in science and enhance problem solving skills thereby enabling the students to analyze simple and complex engineering problems. Provide opportunities and support for the holistic development of students which shall empower them as competent engineers. Pursue research activities by the faculty and support students in their interdisciplinary projects or programmes.

HOD & Associate Professor

Message from the HOD

The Department of Basic Science & Humanities, consisting of 24 experienced and competent members is an integral part of the institution. The faculty members attend FDPs regularly to keep updated themselves with new developments in the field of science and technology and has a good number of paper publications in reputed journals in their credit. The department offers courses in Mathematical foundations of Cyber security and AI & DS for various MTech programmes. In the undergraduate level engineering programme, the department offers courses in Mathematics up to the fourth semester; Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry, Life Skills & Professional Communication in the first & second semesters; Business Economics and Principles of Management in the fifth and sixth semesters. The Physics and Chemistry lab are well equipped to provide an experimental foundation for the theoretical concepts that they learn in the classroom. The Language Lab maintained by the department helps students to sharpen their linguistic skills. It is important that students have an opportunity to practise LSRW activities to improve their language skills. The courses like Life skills and Professional communication foster the soft skills and self-development of the students. “Linguaskill”, the latest language assessment system from Cambridge is offered to all first year students and prepare them for the exam. Opportunity is open to all interested students to do project based add on courses in Maths and Chemistry. I can say that the department aims at the holistic development of students and provide opportunities and support for the same.


A good knowledge of physics is necessary for engineering students to get a thorough grounding in applied physics. It’s objective in engineering education is to equip students to apply their knowledge of physical sciences for the design and analysis of engineering solutions.



The objective of this discipline is to teach students about the physio-chemical processes and the chemical nature of materials, used in engineering and technology. An in depth understanding of Chemistry is essential to develop a practical solution to an engineering problem.


Mathematical ability is one of the qualities that an engineer should have. Mathematics is a tool of an engineers which can be used to model,analyse and solve engineering problems. Its objective in engineering education is to introduce the students to a more practical world of applied mathematics.


Humanities as a discipline plays an inevitable role in building better engineers. The university has given importance to teaching of economics, management studies and life skills which is aims at the overall growth of a student. Therefore the objective of humanities is to encourage students to gain knowledge ans skills essential for understanding the wold around them.


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