Admission Assistant


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A premier engineering college in the state, located at Kochi


Affiliated to APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
Approved by AICTE

[email protected] | 0484-2883300/0484-2732100/111

Relentless passion for excellence...

(Promoted by The Muthoot Group)


The R & C cell is pursued with the following objectives:

1.To promote undergraduate research

2.To establish the research culture among faculty and there by design and develop new technologies in their respective areas.

At Muthoot Institute of Technology and Science, above initiatives are to motivate the students and the faculty/staff of the institute, to update the knowledge mapping with the emerging technology trends and to handhold them towards research aspects. This kind of effort has been put in order to adapt with the dynamic growth of science or technology. With this, everyone is encouraged to do academic or industrial research thus involving in innovation or development, and to use the knowledge for consultancy with the industries. Research and Consultancy cell of all disciplines are working together to achieve this goal. The R & D cell of this college also takes initiatives in publications in conferences/journals organizing conferences, seminars and workshops.

Research and Consultancy cell has the additional responsibility of recommending and forwarding the requests for attending workshops/STTPs/Seminars/FDPs to the higher authorities and also the recommendation for the reimbursement of fee for presenting papers/attending conferences.

Office Bearers 2024-25

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