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Topic: Introduction to Robotics

Session Handled By: Mr. Anas M. M, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE

As a part of Electronics Department association activities ‘Faculty for Student seminar series‘ are being organized every month. Mr. Anas M. M (Assistant Professor, ECE) handled a session on “Introduction to Robotics” on 4th April 2018.The session was planned for S4 ECE (2016-2020 Batch) to create awareness of robots and their applications. The talk introduced the concepts of robot movement, perceiving environment and avoiding obstacles. The students were exposed to real world examples of how robots are used in disaster situations.


Topic: OFDM based wireless communication systems and its research possibilities.

Session Handled By: Ms. Namitha A. S, Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE

Communication plays a significant role in our day to day life. As the data rate demands in communication systems increase, a promising multicarrier transmission technique that is increasingly being adopted in the communication field is orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). Inspired by the eminence of OFDM technology, many wireless communication standards such as digital audio broadcasting (DAB), digital video broadcasting terrestrial/hand-held (DVB T/H), high definition television (HDTV), symmetric digital subscriber line modems and wireless local area networks (WLAN) such as IEEE 802.11 a/g/n have employed it as their physical layer transmission technique. Most importantly, it is being used as the key technology for long term evolution (LTE) based fourth generation (4G) cellular standard and worldwide interoperabilbiy for microwave access (WiMAX). It is also considered as one of the most prominent candidate waveforms for cognitive radio systems. This seminar discussed about the effects of PAPR, CFO and sidelobe power for OFDM systems.

Topic: Medical Image Processing on GPU with reference to Retina Fundus Image.

Session Handled By: Dr. Arunkant A Jose, Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE

Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) is mostly used for displays and graphics and gaming. It has been observed that great computational speeds can be achieved by using Graphical Processing Unit.Thus in fields of medical image processing where large amount of data is to be processed GPU finds a lot of use. The GPU is a vital tool for scientific computing and research. There is a lot of inherent parallelism in the hardware architecture of GPU which can be utilized for processing at greater speeds. The seminar gave an introduction to medical image processing and GPU with special reference to retinal image.

Topic: Awareness about Socially committed projects

Session Handled By: Mr. Baiju Karun, Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE

As a part of Electronics Department association activities ‘Faculty for Student seminar series‘ are being organized every month. Mr. Baiju Karun (Associate Professor, ECE) handled a session on “Awareness about socially committed projects” on 7th February 2018. The session was planned for S4 ECE (2016-2020 Batch) to create awareness of various socially Committed projects that can be done. This session will give an outlook towards how a student should orient his or her course of study with focus on projects.

Topic: Dark Silicon and the emergence of heterogeneous computing.

SESSION HANDLED BY – Mr. Nalesh S, Associate Professor, Dept of ECE

Over the first two decades, Moore’s law and Dennard scaling was driving the semiconductor industry. Here both transistor dimensions and supply voltage scales down at almost the same rate. After 2005, for sub 100nm transistors supply voltage scaling was no more possible. As a result power density started increasing leading to thermal issues. This problem was overcome by introducing multicores and not increasing the processor clock speeds further. However this does not fully alleviate the problem. It has been estimated that at 22 nm, 21% of a fixed-size chip must be powered off, and at 8 nm, this number grows to more than 50%. These portions of the silicon which are kept off have been referred to as Dark Silicon. Heterogeneous architectures which consist of a collection of variety of processing elements have been one of the suggested solutions for improving performance during the dark silicon era. In this seminar, Mr. Nalesh introduced the dark silicon problem, heterogeneous computing and few of the research opportunities in heterogeneous computing.

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