Educational Qualification
- E – Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur (2014)
- Tech – BMS College of Engineering (2016)
- PhD – TKM College of Engineering, KTU, Kollam (2019- On-going)
- Manufacturing and Materials Science
Current Research Interest:
- Bio-Composites
- Physicochemical studies
- Thermomechanical studies
- Fibre Reinforced Composites
Administrative Responsibilities:
- Placement Coordinator
- SAE faculty coordinator
- Department Industrial Visit Coordinator
- PAC and DAC in-charge
Publication Details:
International Journals:
- Lijin Thomas, M. Mubarak. Ali, V. N. Aju Kumar, Shaik Zainuddin, Shaik Jeelani, “Thermo-mechanical properties of cryogenic and dual alkali-anhydrous treated bio-composites for sustainability”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, DOI: 10.1177/0123456789123456.
- Lijin Thomas, M. Mubarak. Ali, V. N. Aju Kumar, and Sabu Thomas, “Influence of cryogenic and chemical treatment on thermal and physical properties of hemp fabric”, IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng., vol. 1114, no. 1, p. 012080, Mar. 2021, doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/1114/1/012080.
- Thomas, L., Vijay, R., Aju Kumar, V.N., Sadiq, A., “Influence of cryogenic treatment on bulk and surface properties of aluminum alloys: a review”, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, pp.1-12, 2022
- Lijin Thomas, Mubarak Ali M, Nived N, Max Abraham, Ajukumar V. N, Shukur Bin Hj. Bin Abu Hassan “Development of Novel Reprocessed Composite Materials from Municipal Solid Waste – A Review”, Advances in Materials And Processing Technologies, 1080/2374068X.2023.2222470.
- Lijin Thomas, Joseph Sebastian, M. Mubarak. Ali, V. N. Aju Kumar, Aditya Santhosh, Renjish Vijay, “A Review on the Influence of Physicochemical Modifications on Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites for Mining Applications”, Journal of Mines, Metals & Fuels
- Lijin Thomas, Manu M, M. Mubarak. Ali, Aravind J, Rebyroy K.E, “Review on development of effective carbon fiber based cryogenic storage tank materials for space applications.” Rochester, NY, Mar. 15, 2022. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.4057984.
- Lijin Thomas, M. Ramachandra, “Advanced Materials for Wind Turbine Blade – A Review”, Materials Today: Proceeding Journal, Elsevier Publications,
International Conferences
- Lijin Thomas, Rahul Raj*, Mubarak Ali, AjuKumar V N, Akhil Raj Nair, Gokul Krishnan G, Mohammed Shafi N, Ramu B, “Effect of Cryogenic treatment on thermo-mechanical properties of Hemp fiber composite”, ICRETM 2023, Christ the king engineering college, Tamilnadu, in collaboration with Samarkand state university, Uzbekistan, May 6th and 7th
- Lijin Thomas, Joseph Sebastian, Aditya Santhosh, Renjish Vijay, Ajukumar V N, Mohamed Thariq Bin Haji Hameed Sultan, Mubarak Ali M, “A Review on the Influence of Physicochemical Modifications on Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites for Mining Applications”, ICRDME 2022, SIT, Tumkur, Karnataka, June 24 – 25, 2022
- Lijin Thomas, M Mubarak Ali, N. Aju Kumar, “Public Solid waste reprocessing and management: Novel Approaches”, International conference on Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering (ICAME) 2021, TKMCE Kollam, December 16 – 18, 2021.
- Lijin Thomas, Manu M, K E Reby Roy, M Mubarak Ali, Aravind J, Renjish Vijay, “Review on development of effective carbon fiber based cryogenic storage tank materials for space applications” International conference on Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering (ICAME) 2021, TKMCE Kollam, December 16 – 18, 2021.
- Lijin Thomas, Renjish Vijay, V N Aju Kumar, A Sadiq, M Manu, “Influence of cryogenic treatment on tribo-mechanical properties of aluminum alloys: A review”, International conference on Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering (ICAME) 2021, TKMCE Kollam, December 16 – 18, 2021.
- Lijin Thomas, M Mubarak Ali, N. Aju Kumar, and Sabu Thomas, “Influence of cryogenic and chemical treatment on thermal and physical properties of hemp fabric”, ICETEST 2020, GEC Thrissur, December 17 – 19, 2020.
- Lijin Thomas, M Mubarak Ali and N. Aju Kumar, “Influence of Chemical and Cryogenic Treatment on Bio Fiber Reinforced and Nano Filler/Bio Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites”, International conference and exhibition on Nanotechnology (ICENT) 2019, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, November 18-19, 2019.
- Lijin Thomas, Ramachandra, “Advanced Materials for Wind Turbine Blade – A Review”, organized by “ICAMA- 2016” International conference, BMSCE, Bengaluru
- Lijin Thomas, Deekshith M. P, C.P Lohith, “Design and Fabrication of Shaft Driven Bicycle”, at AMMMT-2013, International conference, SIT, Tumkur
Professional Experience:
- Teaching – 10 Months
- Research – 4 years
- Industry – 1 year