Educational Qualifications:
- BSc. Physics – MG University Kottayam, Kerala(2003)
- MSc. Physics –MG University, Kottayam, Kerala (2006)
- BEd. Physical Science- MG University, Kottayam (2007)
- PhD. Physics – Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, India(2017)
Research Interest:
- Materials science
- Non linear optical Crystals
- Quantum dot based materials in solar cells in space applications
Course Offered:
- Engineering Physics Theory
- Engineering Physics Lab
Guideship Details:
- Research Supervisor, Physics – APJ Abdulkalam Technological University, Kerala
Work Experience:
- Teaching : 13 years
- Research : 6 years
- Investigations on the electrical and optical properties of non-linear Optical AllylThiourea mercury chloride single crystals: Sreekanth, S.Chandralingam, Jacob Philip, M.S.Jayalakshmi, Reji Philph, Kishore Sridharan, Ginson P.Joseph, Materials Research Bulletin Volume 47, Issue 12, December 2012, Pages 4043–4047.ISSN: 0025-5408. IF- 4.641.
- Investigations on the Physico chemical properties of Allylthiourea complex NLO crystals: Sreekanth G, Prince Thomas, Micheal Augustine, S Chandra lingam, Ginson P Joseph, IOP Conf.series: Material science and Engineering 43(2013)012007 doi 10.1088/1757-899X/43/1/012007.
- Studies on the Electrical Properties of Non-linear Optical Allyl Thiourea Cadmium Bromide (ATCB). Sreekanth G, Michael Augustine, Santhosh Kumar R,S Chandra lingam, Ginson P Joseph, AIP conf.proc.1349,1055-1056,(2011)American Institute of physics.978-0-7354-0905-7.
- Modification of the electrical, optical and thermal properties of L-Arginine Perchlorate single crystals by 5 kGy and 8 kGy electron beam irradiation for optoelectronic devices.Prince Thomas, R. Santhosh Kumar, Sreekanth , Bitto John, Ganesh Sanjeev, Ginson P.Joseph, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 410 (2017), 68–77.ISSN: 0168-583X.
- Synthesis optical and dielectric properties of highly efficient Organo bimetallic Thiocynate complex crystals, Santhosh Kumar R,S Chandra lingam, Sreekanth G, Ginson P Joseph. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 43 (2013) 012003, IP Address: doi:10.1088/1757-899X/43/1/012003.
- The influence of Cd2+ and Mg2+ on the electrical and thermal properties of manganese mercury thiocyanate crystals and its Lewis base adducts-future materials for photonics device fabrication: Santhosh Kumar R, S.Chandralingam, Sijosh George, Sreekanth G, Ginson P Joseph, Phys. Status Solidi C8, No.9, 2735–2738 (2011) / DOI 10.1002/pssc.201084052.
- Investigations on the optical electrical and piezoelectric properties of organometallic Bisthiourea cadmium chloride single crystals. G Sreekanth, Ginson P Joseph, Journal of dbct Volume 5(2), September 2018.ISSN:2348-7984.
Books & Book Chapters
- Investigations on NLO properties of Allylthiourea Cadmium Bromide (ATCB) crystals using Z scan technique, Sreekanth G, ICOL-2019: (Springer Proceedings in Physics, 258, April, 2021 , ISBN: 978-981-15-9258-4.
- Effect of Electron Irradiation on the Optical, Electrical and Thermal Properties of Manganese Mercury Thiocynate (MMTC) and Manganese Mercury Thiocynate Di Methyl Sulphoxide (MMTD) Crystals: Santhosh Kumar R, Sreekanth G.ISBN:978-981-09-5900-5.
- ENGINEERING PHYSICS, G SREEKANTH & M.SURESH BABU AUGUST, 2019,.Orbit Publishers, ISBN: 978-81-932112-4-3.
- LAB MANUAL FOR ENGINEERING PHYSICS, Sreekanth G, Albin George. Orbit Publishers, ISBN 978-81-632112-7-4.
Conference Proceedings:
- Studies on the Electrical Properties of Non-linear Optical AllylThiourea Cadmium Bromide (ATCB). Sreekanth G, Michael Augustine, Santhosh Kumar R, S Chandra lingam, Ginson P Joseph- 55th DAE- Solid state Physics Symposium.-December2010.
- Synthesis, Growth and electrical properties of Allylthiourea cadmium Bromide single crystals (ATCB), Sreekanth, R.Santhosh Kumar, Ginson P Joseph, S.Chandralingam, ICMAT 2015&IUMRS-ICA 2015,28 June-3 July 2015, Suntec Singapore. ISBN: 978-981-09-5900-5.
- Optical nonlinearity and piezoelectric studies of the Triallylthiourea mercuric chloride (ATMC) single crystals, Sreekanth G, Ginson P Joseph International conference on material science and technology (ICMST-2012, June, Kottayam, Kerala).
- Synthesis, growth and characterization of AllylThiourea cadmium bromide (ATCB) single crystals, Sreekanth G, S. Chandra lingam, Ginson P Joseph, Nano, Bio& Materials Sciences (ICNBMS- 2014 Hyderabad).
- Investigations on the electrical, structural and piezoelectric properties of BTCC single crystals, Sreekanth G,S.Channdra lingam, Ginson P Joseph, Second International conference on material science and technology (ICMST,05-08 June 2016, Kottayam, Kerala).
- Investigations on the optical, thermal, electrical and piezoelectric properties of organometallic Bis thiourea cadmium chloride (BTCC) single crystals, Sreekanth G, Prince Thomas, Ginson P Joseph,Second International Conference on Recent trends in Materials Science and Technology(ICMST -2018,October 10-13, IIST, Trivandrum).
- Investigation on the Non Linear Optical Properties of Allylthiourea Cadmium Chloride (ATCC) Single Crystals Sreekanth G, Santhosh Kumar R. International e-Conference on Advancements in Materials Science and Technology (iCAM 2020).ISBN: 978-93-83409-61.
- Material Research Society (MRS)
- Indian Association of Crystal Growth (IACG)
Sponsored Student Projects:
- Project guidance: Kscste & APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
Innovative project proposals from Engineering students under INNOVATE of KSCSTE.
Title of the Project: Automatic over speed control of vehicles by zone detection
Seminar/Workshop/FDP Organized:
- Coordinator- National science day celebration (2021)
- Coordinator- National science day celebration (2018)
- Coordinator- National science day celebration (2017)
- Coordinator- International Year of Light (2015)
- Coordinator- National workshop (WAMPS -2015)