Educational Qualification:
- B.Tech Computer Engineering- College of Engineering, Chengannur (1998), Cochin University of Science and Technology
- M.Tech Computer and Information Sciences- Department of Computer Science (2010), Cochin University of Science and Technology
Specialization and Research Interest:
- Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
Professional Body Member:
- Sheena Kurian, K., Mathew, S. Novel Hybrid Methods for Journal Article Summarization Combining Graph Method and Rough Set TFIDF Method with Pegasus Model. In: Sharma, H., Chakravorty, A., Hussain, S., Kumari, R. (eds) Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Applications. AITA 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 844. Springer, Singapore. [SCOPUS]
- Sheena Kurian K and Sheena Mathew, ‘High Impact of Rough set and Kmeans Clustering Methods in Extractive Summarization of Journal Articles’, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 39(3), 561–574, published by Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica 2023, DOI:10.6688/JISE.202305 39(3).0007. [SCIE]
- Sheena Kurian K and Sheena Mathew. “Survey of Scientific Document Summarization Techniques”, Computer Science, 21(2), 125–162, published by the AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow Poland, 2020, DOI: 2020.21.2.3356. [Scopus, ESCI]
- Mary Priya Sebastian, Sheena Kurian K and G. Santhosh Kumar, “Extension Schemes for the Alignment Model of English- Malayalam Statistical Machine Translator”, in Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication (ICACC), pg 86-89, published by IEEE, Aug 9-11, 2012, DOI: 10.1109/ICACC.2012.18. [SCOPUS]
- Mary Priya Sebastian, Sheena Kurian K and G. Santhosh Kumar, “A framework for translating English text into Malayalam using statistical models”, 2nd International Conference on Communication, Computing & Security, published by Elsevier Ltd., Procedia Technology, 2011. [SCOPUS]
- Mary Priya Sebastian, Sheena Kurian K and G. Santhosh Kumar, “English to Malayalam Translation, A Statistical Approach”, Proceedings of the First Amrita ACM-W Celebration of Women in Computing (A2CWiC), pp 64:1-64:5, published by ACM, Sep16-18, 2010, DOI: 10.1145/1858378.1858442. [SCOPUS]
- Mary Priya Sebastian, Sheena Kurian K and G. Santhosh Kumar, “Alignment Model and Training Technique in SMT from English to Malayalam”, (Book Chapter), Contemporary Computing communication in Computer and Information Science, Springer 2010, vol.94, part 6, 305-315, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-14834-7_29. [SCOPUS]
- Adith Arun, Mohamed Bilal K H, Mohamed Sakir P N, Rohit Jaison, Sheena Kurian K, “MedSync- App and Device to Promote Medication Adherence”, Journal of Informatics Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2023, Vol. 04, Iss. 02, S. No. 103, pp. 1-8ISSN (Online): 2582-7006 [UGC]
- Sivanand V S, Mohamed Abith, Abhijith Sudheer, Ashly Mariya, Sheena Kurian K, “DOMS: DISEASE OUTBREAK MONITORING SYSTEM “, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), ISSN:2320-2882, Volume.8, Issue 5, pp.1324-1327, May 2020, Available at IJCRT2005180.pdf [UGC]
- Divya Raj, Ameer Ebrahim, Fathima Ibrahimkutty, Sheena Kurian K, “LIQUICURE”, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), ISSN:2320-2882, Volume.8, Issue 5, pp.389-393, May 2020, Available at [UGC]
- Anju Gopan, Haripriya K.S, Jeethu Joshy, Sheena Kurian K. “A Brief Introduction to Malayalam Text Summarization”. International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) V10 (3): Page (185-192) Mar – Apr 2022. ISSN: 2347-8578.
- Athul Krishna P.B, Raheenamol M.R, Jesna M.S and Ms. Sheena Kurian K, A New Approach to Email Auto Responder, in the International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology, Vol.7, Issue-2, 2019, ISSN: 2347-8578.
- Muhammed Shihab V.K, Malavika Dileep, K.M. Muhammed Rameez, Ashish Soni, Sheena Kurian K, Third Eye- An app for Blind Assistance using Machine Learning, in the International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology, Vol.7, Issue-2, 2019, ISSN: 2347-8578.
- Shameema Umer M.T, Sheena Kurian K, Local K-Nearest Neighbors Model using Z-Order R-Tree for Big Data, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 6, March 2017, ISSN (Online) : 2319 – 8753.
- Sumayya P.I, Sheena Kurian K, “Improving LSB steganography using filtering approach along with AES and RSTEG”, International Journal of Research & Development Organisation (IJRDO), October 2015.
- Sumayya P.I, Sheena Kurian K, “Two Layer Security Combining MSB Based Steganography and RSTEG with Cryptography”, International Journal of Research & Development Organisation (IJRDO), September 2015.
- Navya Francis, Sheena Kurian K, “Data Processing for Big Data Applications using Hadoop Framework”, In International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2015, DOI 10.17148/IJARC015.4343.
- Navya Francis, Sheena Kurian K “Freight Audit using Mapreduce Framework for Big-data Application”, In International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJLTET), Volume 5, Issue 2, March 2015, ISSN:2278-621X.
- Mary Priya Sebastian, Sheena Kurian K and G. Santhosh Kumar, “Techniques to improve the word alignments in Statistical Machine Translation from English to Malayalam”, In Proceedings of National Conference on Indian Language Computing (NCILC), 2012.
- Mary Priya Sebastian, Sheena Kurian K and G. Santhosh Kumar, “Suffix Separation in Statistical Machine Translation from English to Malayalam using Sandhi Rules”, In Proceedings of National Conference on Indian Language Computing (NCILC), 2011.
- Mary Priya Sebastian, Sheena Kurian K and G. Santhosh Kumar, “A Framework of Statistical Machine Translator from English to Malayalam”, In Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Information Processing (ICIP), Bangalore, India, Aug 06-08, 2010.
- Mary Priya Sebastian, Sheena Kurian K and G. Santhosh Kumar, “A classification of Sandhi Rules for Suffix Separation in Malayalam”, In Proceedings of 38tth All India Conference of Dravidian Linguists, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 2010.
- Mary Priya Sebastian, Sheena Kurian K and G. Santhosh Kumar, “Statistical Machine Translation from English to Malayalam”, In Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced Computing, Alwaye, Kerala, 2010.
Recent FDP’s Attended
- Three Day Faculty Development Program on “ADVANCEMENTS IN AI, from ANN and Deep Learning to NLP with Transformers and LLMs” organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KMEA Engineering College, Edathala from 4th July 2024 to 6th July 2024.
- 3-day Face-to-Face FDP on the theme “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) at KMEA Engineering College, Ernakulam from 5th October to 7th October 2023.
- ATAL FDP on Optimisation Techniques for ML/AI/DS at Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology from 8/1/2024 to 13/1/2024.
- Five days’ Workshop & FDP on N-Hans: from Transformers to LLM during December 12-16, 2023 organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Information Technology Kottayam.
Professional Experience
- Teaching Experience: 22 yrs