Educational Qualification:
- B.Tech – Computer Science & Engineering , CUSAT
- M.Tech Computer Science- Anna University, Chennai
- Pursuing Ph.D from Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai
Specializations and Research Interest:
- Blockchain, Cryptography, Network Security
Professional Membership:
- Life-time member of ISTE.
Professional Experience:
Teaching: 20 years
- NPTEL Certification on Introduction to Internet of Things.
- AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner.
- Certified Blockchain Associate from Kerala Blockchain Academy.
- Blockchain basics course(authorized by University at Buffalo and The State University of New York) by Coursera
- “Blockchain: A Compendium on Contemporary Privacy Preservation Approaches and its Manifestation in Varied Realms,” Hybrid Intelligent Systems (Book Chapter), 2022.
- “Enhanced Technique for Privacy Preserving Public Auditing for Shared Data in Cloud,” International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 2015.
- “NVSS Scheme for Digital Image Sharing,” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 2015.
- “Enhanced RSA Combined with DWT Domain Watermarking,” International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, 2012
- Presented paper titled “Blockchain: A Compendium on Contemporary Privacy Preservation Approaches and its Manifestation in Varied Realms” in 21st International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2021), December 14–16, 2021
- Presented paper titled “ An Improved Implementation of RSA Cryptosystem” in IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research,2011
Workshops/Faculty Development Programs Attended:
- ISTE Workshop on “Database Management System” by IIT Mumbai (2 weeks, May 2013, Online).
- ISTE Workshop on Computer Programming (2 weeks, June 2014, Online).
- FDP on “Glide through Cognitive Computing” (5 days, December 2019, MACE).
- FDP on Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency in Blockchain Technology (2 days, June 2020, Online).
- FDP on Research Methodology and Scientific Writing (3 days, June-July 2020, Online).
- ATAL FDP on Incorporating Universal Human Values in Education (5 days, August 2020, Online).
- AICTE Sponsored SSTP on Blockchain Fundamentals (6 days,24-29th August 2020,Saingits College of Engineering,Kottayam)
- FDP on IoT Protocols and Security.(2 days,July 2020)
- ATAL FDP on Blockchain (5 days, September 2020, Online).
- FDP on Blockchain Technology and Cyber Security (5 days, March 2021, Toc H Institute of Science & Technology).
- FDP on Systemizing Research – Problem Finding to Patenting (3 days, March 2021, Online).
- FDP on “Data Science for the Next Decade” (5 days, July 2021, Toc H Institute of Science & Technology).
- Online course on Hyperledger Fabric & Chaincode Development using Java (30 hours, June 2022, Online).
- Online course on Basics of Hyperledger Fabric (40 hours, June 2022, Online).
- Training program on IP Awareness by National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission.(Online,July 2022)
- FDP on Demystifying Machine Learning Algorithms (5 days, October 2022, Online).
- FDP on Advanced Research and Quality Publication (5 days, September 2022, Online).
- STTP on Blockchain Technology and its Emerging Applications (5 days, July 2023, Online).
- FDP on Outcome Based Education and Essential AI Tools for Teachers.(7 days,November 2023,Online)
- Infosys Springboard Certification on The Complete Hyperledger Fabric Fundamentals Course (November 2024,Online)