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A premier engineering college in the state, located at Kochi


Affiliated to APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
Approved by AICTE

[email protected] | 0484-2883300/0484-2732100/111

Relentless passion for excellence...

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NameMs.Leda Kamal
DesignationAssistant Professor
SpecializationComputer Science and Engineering
E-Mail ID
Leda Kamal

Educational Qualification:

  • B.Tech – Computer Science & Engineering , CUSAT
  •  M.Tech Computer Science-  Anna University, Chennai 
  • Pursuing Ph.D from Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai

Specializations and Research Interest:

  • Blockchain, Cryptography, Network Security

Professional Membership:

  • Life-time member of ISTE.

Professional Experience:

Teaching: 20 years


  • NPTEL Certification on Introduction to Internet of Things.
  • AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner.
  • Certified Blockchain Associate from Kerala Blockchain Academy.
  • Blockchain basics course(authorized by University at Buffalo and The State University of New York) by Coursera


  1. “Blockchain: A Compendium on Contemporary Privacy Preservation Approaches and its Manifestation in Varied Realms,” Hybrid Intelligent Systems (Book Chapter), 2022.
  2. “Enhanced Technique for Privacy Preserving Public Auditing for Shared Data in Cloud,” International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 2015.
  3. “NVSS Scheme for Digital Image Sharing,” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 2015.
  4. “Enhanced RSA Combined with DWT Domain Watermarking,” International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, 2012


  1. Presented paper titled “Blockchain: A Compendium on Contemporary Privacy Preservation Approaches and its Manifestation in Varied Realms” in  21st International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2021), December 14–16, 2021
  2. Presented paper titled “ An Improved Implementation of RSA Cryptosystem” in IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research,2011

Workshops/Faculty Development Programs Attended:

  1. ISTE Workshop on “Database Management System” by IIT Mumbai (2 weeks, May 2013, Online).
  2. ISTE Workshop on Computer Programming (2 weeks, June 2014, Online).
  3. FDP on “Glide through Cognitive Computing” (5 days, December 2019, MACE).
  4. FDP on Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency in Blockchain Technology (2 days, June 2020, Online).
  5. FDP on Research Methodology and Scientific Writing (3 days, June-July 2020, Online).
  6. ATAL FDP on Incorporating Universal Human Values in Education (5 days, August 2020, Online).
  7. AICTE Sponsored  SSTP on Blockchain Fundamentals (6 days,24-29th August 2020,Saingits College of Engineering,Kottayam)
  8. FDP on IoT Protocols and Security.(2 days,July 2020)
  9. ATAL FDP on Blockchain (5 days, September 2020, Online).
  10. FDP on Blockchain Technology and Cyber Security (5 days, March 2021, Toc H Institute of Science & Technology).
  11. FDP on Systemizing Research – Problem Finding to Patenting (3 days, March 2021, Online).
  12. FDP on “Data Science for the Next Decade” (5 days, July 2021, Toc H Institute of Science & Technology).
  13. Online course on Hyperledger Fabric & Chaincode Development using Java (30 hours, June 2022, Online).
  14. Online course on Basics of Hyperledger Fabric (40 hours, June 2022, Online).
  15. Training program on IP Awareness by National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission.(Online,July 2022)
  16. FDP on Demystifying Machine Learning Algorithms (5 days, October 2022, Online).
  17. FDP on Advanced Research and Quality Publication (5 days, September 2022, Online).
  18. STTP on Blockchain Technology and its Emerging Applications (5 days, July 2023, Online).
  19.  FDP on Outcome Based Education and Essential AI Tools for Teachers.(7 days,November 2023,Online)
  20. Infosys Springboard Certification on The Complete Hyperledger Fabric Fundamentals Course (November 2024,Online)

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