of drought vulnerability of Ernamkulam district using SPI Index,
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts – IJCRT (ISSN:
2320-2882) Volume 6 Issue 2 April 2018.
Cherian, D Praveen Das, M. Devadathan, Liya John and Ginu S Malakeel
, A study on Impact of Urbanisation on Surface Runoff in
Muvattupuzha Municipality, International Journal of Innovative
Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol.6, Issue 4,
April 2017.
and published a paper on ‘Impact of Urbanization on The Natural
Groundwater Recharge Of Karuvannur Watershed’ in the International
Conference on Materials for Future (ICMF 2013).
and published a paper on ‘Application Of GIS For The Preparation
Of Landuse Map To Assess The Natural Groundwater Recharge Of
Karuvannur Watershed’ in the National Conference on Emerging
Trends in Computing (NCETIC 2013).
term Courses Attended:
day workshop on Techniques in Environmental Quality Analysis
organized by RIT, Pampady.
week TEQIP Workshop on “Computer
Aided Engineering: Applied CFD and FEM” from 9th
October to 15th October 2016 organized by College of Engineering
Cherthala, Alleppey, Kerala.
Day National Workshop on Geoinformatics from 18th
to 20th
September 2018 organized by MACE, Kothamangalam.
weeks AICTE Sponsored FDP on “Students Engagement for Effective
Learning in Management Education” from “06-11-2017 to
18-11-2017 at SCMS Main Campus, Prathap Nagar, Muttom, Cochin.