Admission Assistant


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A premier engineering college in the state, located at Kochi


Affiliated to APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
Approved by AICTE

[email protected] | 0484-2883300/0484-2732100/111

Relentless passion for excellence...

(Promoted by The Muthoot Group)

The Departments of ECE and EEE jointly conducted a session on “Semiconductor Test Engineering” on January 20, 2025.

As on date we have successfully trained 620 students . ???? This milestone reflects our commitment to providing top-notch education and equipping the engineers of tomorrow with the skills they need to excel.

Thank you to the Management and staff for their unwavering support and vision. ???? Your leadership and dedication have made this success possible. Here’s to many more milestones ahead

Congratulations for getting placed at GO EC..

EARC – The Association of the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering is conducting a Talk on “Unlocking Innovation: A Journey to Securing a Patent in India”.

???????  of the day is  Dr. CHIKKU ABRAHAM,

                    Professor, Vice Principal, MITS

DATE : Feb 27, 2024. TIME : 2:10 PM – 4:00 PM. VENUE: STEVE JOBS HALL

No.of participants  :60

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, MITS is organizing KTU sponsored five day offline Faculty Development Program on “ Application Oriented Design & Control of Electric Motor Drives”. The FDP is scheduled from 16th to 20th January 2023.

Sessions will be handled by experts from IITs, NITs, leading research & academic organizations and from industry such as, PWSIM Engineering Solutions.
Resource Persons

  1. Dr.Arun Rahul, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering,IIT Palakkad
  2. Dr. Rijil Ramchand, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Calicut
  3. Dr. R.Sudharshan Kaarthik, Associate Professor, Department of Avionics, IIST
  4. Dr. Shreelakshmi M P, Assistant Professor, Dept of Electrical Engineering. NIT Calicut
  5. Dr.Jaison Mathew, Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, Government
    Engineering College, Thrissur
  6. Dr. Resmi R, Assistant Professor,Department of Electrical Engineering, Amrita School of
    Engineering, Coimbatore
  7. Mr.Joseph J Manjaly, Senior Application Engineer, PWSIM Engineering Solutions Pvt
    Ltd, Bangalore
  8. Mr.Venugopalan Kurupath, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and
    Electronics Engineering, Muthoot Institute of Technology and Science, Kochi

Course Objectives:
• To introduce recent advances in the field of electric motor drives focusing on opportunities and challenges.
• To provide an insight into challenging problems and their solutions in the field of electric motor drives.
• To familiarize with simulation tools used in electric motor design.

Online Registration Link :

Registration Fee: Nil

Dr.Jani Das
Associate Professor
8928081438, [email protected]

Ms. Breeza Poulose
Assistant Professor
9745547851, [email protected]

Ms. Preenu Paul
Assistant Professor
9446914458,[email protected]

Certificates will be provided to all participants who attend all the sessions, submit feedback and attend the assessment at the end of the FDP

Last Date for Registration: 12th January, 2023

Register at:

The Department of Electrical & Electronics is conducting  a three day webinar on “Industrial instrumentation and Automation(Version 2)” in the MITS -SIEMENS CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR AUTOMATION AND DRIVES On 08/06/2020, 09/06/2020, AND 10/06/2020. All are cordially requested to register and attend the webinar.

The department of Electrical & Electronics has developed “TOUCH ME NOT” hands free sanitizer dispenser as part of the Break The Chain Initiative of MITS. The product was developed by Mr.Sujith K.K and team of EEE.

The Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engg. announces the commencement of Industrial Training Programs at MITS SIEMENS LAB for the next academic year

The department of Electrical & Electronics has performed exceptionally well in the recently published KTU results.

Hearty congratulations to all the top performers!!!

Asst. Prof. Jim George of Electrical & Electronics Department has uploaded an online lecture series on the topic “Basics of Electrical Engineering” on YouTube.

Access the lecture videos here:

MITS SIEMENS Centre of Excellence of Automation and Drives

Introducing “Two Day Short Term Training Programme on Industrial Automation and Programmable Logic Controllers Programming” and “Siemens Certified Courses”

Course Contents SIEMENS Certified PLC Course Short Term Course on Basic PLC
Introduction –  Automation  * *
PLC Hardware / Architecture * *
Relay / Digital Logic * *
Ladder Logic Programming  * *
PLC Scan Cycle * *
Memory Instructions  * *
Compare / Logical / Arithmetic Operations *  
Program Control Instructions  *  
Timer, Counter Configuration * *
Instruction Set *  
Upload / Download /Monitoring of Program  * *
Forcing Inputs & Outputs *  
Analog Input / Output Addressing  *  
Digital Input / 0utput Addressing * *
Function Blocks and Code *  
PLC Troubleshooting *  
HMI / SCADA Interface (Introduction) * *
Applications * *
SIEMENS Certificate *  

A paper titled “A NOVEL PASSIVE ISLANDING DETECTION METHOD USING DISPERSION ENTROPY” by Aiswarya P,Hina Azeez,Kavya Lawrance, Sharon C Lazar and Asst Prof.Sindhura Rose Thomas has been accepted for ACCESS’ 20 Int. Conference and there after publication in Springer Book Series.

The paper titled “Life Cycle Energy Analysis of an Isolated Photovoltaic -Wind-Battery Microgrid in India” by Dr. Jani Das was presented at International Conference on Automation. Signal Processing, Instrumentation and Control 2020(ICASIC 2020) at Vellore Institute of Technology (publication in Springer Book Series “Lecture Notes In Electrical Engineering(indexed by Scopus)).

The paper titled “Isolated switched boost DC DC Converter with coupled inductor and transformer” by Preenu Paul, Dr. Chikku Abraham was presented at TENCON 2019 held on Oct ,2019.

The 2016-2020 batch of Electrical and Electronics has made us proud by bagging 44 offers. Students got on campus placements in Infosys, Tata Consultancy Services, Wipro Technologies ,Cognizant Technology Solutions,Mindtree and G10x. There are 12 double offers and two students with more than two offers.

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – By Malcom X

NBA came into existence as an independent autonomous body with effect from 7th January 2010 with the objectives of assurance of quality and relevance to technical education, especially of the programs in professional and technical disciplines, i.e., Engineering and Technology, Management, Architecture, Pharmacy and Hotel Management and Catering Technology, through the mechanism of accreditation of programs offered by technical institutions.

The department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of Muthoot Institute of Technology and Science has been accredited by NBA for the period 2019-2022.

The accreditation team visited the campus during 06/09/2019-08/09/2019. We have scored a score of 689 and has been accredited for a period of three years from 2019. The presently ongoing batches will be certified as passed out from an NBA accredited course of study.

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